Refreshing Mango, Lime and Lemon Grass Zinger

Refreshing Mango, Lime and Lemongrass Zinger

Refreshing Mango, Lime, and Lemongrass Zinger

Mango Iced Tea
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1 Small very ripe mango

8 Ice cubes, to serve
3 fl oz Freshly squeezed lime juice
700 ml Low-calorie tonic water
1 oz Lemongrass, plus 2 extra stalks, peeled and halved, to garnish


Pour the lime juice right into a plastic or glass bowl (non-metallic bowl).

Discard the outer brown part of the lemongrass. Finely shred the remaining parts and add to your lime juice.

Peel the skin of the mango and discard the seed. Roughly cut the flesh, and add to the bowl.

Use a hand-held electric blender or a food processor. Mix and blend until the mango is smooth. Cover the bowl with cling film and refrigerate for a minimum of two hours before passing it through a sieve.

Fill four glasses with some ice cubes. Pour the mango puree into the glasses and top up with tonic water. Add a halved lemongrass stalk to each glass to use as a stirrer.

* Serves 4.